Pictures by Heinrich von Schimmer, Marga van den Meydenberg, Frank Scheidt, Michael and Tim
We would like to thank the sponsors of Folsom Europe e.V. for their support.
In 2004 Folsom Europe e.V. held its first street fair FOLSOM EUROPE on Fuggerstr./Welserstr. in Berlin-Schöneberg with 3,500 queer visitors from Europe and North America. This year we expect 25,000 visitors from six continents visiting the largest leather and fetish event in Europe celebrating its 21st edition.
Our Berlin street fair will take place on Saturday, September 14th from 12:00 until 22:00.
On Fuggerstr. you will find our main stage powered by Darklands and recon, on Welserstr. the BLF Stage with a great mix of international DJs, interesting interviews and exciting promotions as well as a bondage stage powered by CUFFED. Beside of the stages we will have dozens of leather and fetish vendors, beer and cocktail booths, food trucks, bootblacks, barbers, lockers and information spots.
The calendar can be found in our pocket guide (printed version), online or in our
Folsom Europe App.
During the week there will be five OFFICIAL FOLSOM PARTIES:
We are proud that RECON BERLIN is now also part of our official parties.
We are starting our week with the Melbourne-based ADAM party on Thursday night.
The classic leather & BLUF guys will come together at TESTOSTERONE on Friday night where they find boot blacks, a courtyard for enjoying their cigars and a large dance floor as well.
The bears and dance crowd will meet at BEAR DANCE FOLSOM the same night.
Our signature party PIG will take place after the fair as every year. More than 3,000 guys will come together to celebrate the 21st anniversary of our own party as well.
And we will finish our parties with RECON BERLIN as our closing party on Sunday.
Beside of the official parties we offer lots of small and big parties at bars, a classic concert, three sightseeing busses and a boat tour.
Buy Tickets
It is THE new trend for the last years in our community: the puppies! The old guard leather men might raise their eyebrows but even they cannot deny that the puppies are rising. FOLSOM EUROPE has also seen a large growth of these young and joyful boys and girls with their cute puppy masks. They have raised some concerns in the leather community - but at the end, that is more or less the same reaction with every new trend. We are very happy to see some young blood joining us.This year, we have plenty of events for the puppies and their admirers, again. There will be special bar events, a puppy walk and on Sunday they have their puppy games at prideArt@theKnast. Another highlight will be our puppy sightseeing bus on Friday noon which drives side-by-side with our leather and fetish sightseeing busses. The BEAR DANCE FOLSOM party is also reaching out for the puppies.Get you puppy bus ticket here.
We would like to thank the sponsors of Folsom Europe e.V. for their support.
You all might know Berlin as the city of freedom and unlimited joy. And there is some truth in that which we are very proud about. Nevertheless, the location of […]
The members of Folsom Europe e.V. have elected a new board during their general assembly in early February 2024. We would like to congratulate Denis Watson, Domink Kramp and Jens […]
Since 2004 our visitors have donated 400,000€ all together at our gates. In 2023 we were able to collect almost 66,000€ – 50% more than in 2022 – a new record. We want to thank you for that!
The general assembly of Folsom Europe e.V. has been taken place yesterday and elected a „new“ board:Daniel and Christian remain in the board and Jens is our new member in […]
Since 2004 our visitors have donated more than 300,000€ all together at our gates.
In 2022 we were able to collect more than 44,000€ – a new record. We want to thank you for that!
FOLSOM EUROPE would not exist without the awesome support of volunteers we have received since 2004. So who are these volunteers? You might be surprised…
Many friends of all kinds of fetishes are visiting FOLSOM EUROPE 2024. They make us the No. 1 event in Europe. And they are one the faces of our street fair and of our community as well. See all pictures from 2023 and the previous years in our gallery!
The board of Folsom Europe e.V. is including three members at the moment. The experienced board members are doing the volunteering job for multiple years already and are responsible for the planning and organization of all official events during the FOLSOM EUROPE weekend as well as the public relations and advertising in advance. Once a year all members of the club are meeting at the general assembly where they make the principal decisions. The board is supported by one employee at the office.